← Profesionales | Encefalopatía | TEST ID ENS2
Test ID: ENS2
Encephalopaty, Autoimmune / Paraneoplastic Evaluation, Serum
Useful For
Evaluating new onset encephalopathy (noninfectious or metabolic) comprising confusional states, psychosis, delirium, memory loss, hallucinations, movement disorders, sensory or motor complaints, seizures, dyssomnias, ataxias, nausea, vomiting, inappropriate antidiuresis, coma, dysautonomias, or hypoventilation using serum specimens
The following accompaniments should increase of suspicion for autoimmune encephalopathy:
Autoimmune stigmata (personal or family history or signs of diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorder, vitiligo, poliosis [premature graying], myasthenia gravis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus)
History of cancer
Smoking history (20 or more pack-years) or other cancer risk factors
Inflammatory cerebral spinal fluid (or isolated protein elevation)
Neuroimaging signs suggesting inflammation
Evaluating limbic encephalitis (noninfectious)
Directing a focused search for cancer
Investigating encephalopathy appearing during or after cancer therapy and not explainable by metastasis or drug effect